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Monday, November 21, 2005

Never thought I would say this, but I'm spoilt for choice. Half of me wants to stay in Singapore cos everyone is here, but it's that same reason that propels me to go overseas to complete my university degree. Sydney isn't all that bad, the people are nice and the city's upbeat..but I just don't seem to be feeling it at all. Maybe it's just too early and I haven't actually had enough time to get over that foreign xenophobic feeling yet. I'm not used to feeling this way, how unnerving. There're tons of asian people here so it's not like I'm out of place, but somehow, there's this distance between people here..you can even feel it even when you're walking down the street and people are smiling at you. I fit in well with the locals and foreigners, but I just can't see myself here for the next 3 or 4 years. I guess, this is where it hits me that living in another country for a few years is really a completely different matter as opposed to travelling and spending a while there. Alot more time to realize that you've been in one place long past your due. Now I have to make my decision by wednesday before I leave. I just finished up my essay and personal statement for the halls of residence in Usyd campus this afternoon (they're real competitive cos it's a gorgeous place to stay, so only a few places are offered every year), got an interview with the principal tomorrow morning. Eargh, talk about nervousness, I hate interviews man.

What I'm leaning towards right now, is doing a year of studies in NUS and then transferring my credits earned the subsequent year to another university in the uk or san francisco and graduate with a degree from the latter university instead. I've got alot of checking up to do on the corresponding courses and admin stuff beforehand though, but it'll be worth the trouble and I'll get to spend more time with all my loved ones before leaving. Only thing is, I'm hoping NUS has summer school or some courses I can take up from next jan onwards even though I'm not enrolled in it yet. Some sort of early enrollment kind of idea..although I haven't actually heard of any university in singapore doing that kind of thing per se. Well, I'll see how things go when I get back this thursday.

Oh yeah, I'll be having a dinner cum drinks gathering at my place on friday evening, it's gonna be a liquid buffet too, so everyone bring some drinks and head down! Care and share. HA HA. I'll provide the wine. Just one thing, NO MORE PUKING please. Ha I think I've had my fair share of being in the vicinity of someone else puking to last me quite a lifetime. Okay, got to get some rest now, just sms me if you can make it down. Let me know by thursday night. Byee.

Shu at 6:37 PM


Thursday, November 10, 2005


Flying off to Sydney tomorrow! Yeaaaargh! Haha. See you guys on the 24th when I get back. We'll partay then. I've got the whole house to myself for a week. And just what does that entail...? ;) Hmmm. After that, it's fighting bird flu in Vietnam till Christmas day itself, for me. But seriously, the spread of bird flu is scaring me quite a bit, seeing that the chances of things mutating whilst I'm in Hanoi seem really high now. And most of the deaths have occured in Vietnam itself. Hope a mass epidemic won't break out. At least not while I'm in the vicinity. Although when something like that happens, borders have never been barrier enough. Anyway, I'm gonna eat as much chicken and duck as I can get over in Sydney, while I can. Watch me get fat, people. Just waaaatccch. Ha. Missing you all. x

Shu at 11:15 PM
